The Certified Kubernetes Administrator exam allows you demonstrate that you have the skills necessary to build and manage Kubernetes environments. This course will provide you with the knowledge and hands-on experience that you will need in order to be a successful Kubernetes administrator in the real world and pass the CKA exam.
• Strong grasp of container basics (recommended training: Docker Basic)
• A basic understanding of application security, common attacks, and vulnerabilities
Module 1: Containers and Docker – Quick Review
– Containers vs VMs
– Docker
– OS Components
– Docker Registries
– The need for K8s
– The K8s story
Module 2: K8s History and Architecture. Workers and Masters.
– Kubernetes history
– K8s Architecture
Module 3: Installing K8s. K8s Terminology. Pods. Namespaces.
– Installing Kubernetes
– K8s Terminology
– Anatomy of a Kubernetes Node
– Getting help
Hands-on Lab: Installing Kubernetes
Module 4: Running Workloads Imperatively – kubectl run
– CLI Commands (kubectl run | get | describe | delete)
– Running K8s Workloads
– Pod Lifecycle
– Namespaces
Hands-on Lab: Running Workload Imperatively
Module 5: The Declarative Model. YAML and JSON.
– From imperative to declarative model
– Manifest Files
– Creating the YAML
– The Kubernetes API
Hands-on Lab: Declarative model
Module 6: Deployments. ReplicaSets. Scaling and Updating.
– Labels and Selectors
– ReplicaSets
– Deployment
– Jobs
Hands-on Lab: Deployment. ReplicaSets
Module 7: Persisting Data. Volumes.
– Volumes
– Types of K8s volumes
– Persistent Volumes
– NFS Persistent Volume
Hands-on Lab: Persisting Data
Module 8: K8s Networking
– Docker Networking Model
– K8s Networking Model
– Services
– Kube-proxy
– K8s DNS
Hands-on Lab: Networking
Module 9: Introspection. Monitoring. Logs.
– Kubernetes metrics
– Metrics Terminology
– Monitoring with ES/Kibana
– Monitoring with Prometheus/Grafana
– Introspection
– Debugging pods
– Debugging K8s Clusters
Module 10: Daemon Sets. CronJobs. Secrets. ConfigMaps
– CronJobs – running tasks periodically
– ConfigMaps – deploying reusable applications
– Secrets – passing around sensitive information
– DaemonSets – pods on every node
Hands-on Lab: DaemonSets. CronJobs. ConfigMaps.
Module 11: Security. Role-Based Access Control
– Identity and Access Management
– Service Accounts
– User Management
– RBAC Terminology Explained
– Role Scoping
Hands-on Lab: Security. RBAC
Module 12: Ingresses. The Nginx Ingress Controller
– Ingress Controller
– Ingress Operation
– Deploying the ingress Controller
– Ingress Resource
– Path Manipulation
Hands-on Lab: Ingress
The Certified Kubernetes Administrator exam allows you demonstrate that you have the skills necessary to build and manage Kubernetes environments. This course will provide you with the knowledge and hands-on experience that you will need in order to be a successful Kubernetes administrator in the real world and pass the CKA exam.
• Strong grasp of container basics (recommended training: Docker Basic)
• A basic understanding of application security, common attacks, and vulnerabilities
Module 1: Containers and Docker – Quick Review
– Containers vs VMs
– Docker
– OS Components
– Docker Registries
– The need for K8s
– The K8s story
Module 2: K8s History and Architecture. Workers and Masters.
– Kubernetes history
– K8s Architecture
Module 3: Installing K8s. K8s Terminology. Pods. Namespaces.
– Installing Kubernetes
– K8s Terminology
– Anatomy of a Kubernetes Node
– Getting help
Hands-on Lab: Installing Kubernetes
Module 4: Running Workloads Imperatively – kubectl run
– CLI Commands (kubectl run | get | describe | delete)
– Running K8s Workloads
– Pod Lifecycle
– Namespaces
Hands-on Lab: Running Workload Imperatively
Module 5: The Declarative Model. YAML and JSON.
– From imperative to declarative model
– Manifest Files
– Creating the YAML
– The Kubernetes API
Hands-on Lab: Declarative model
Module 6: Deployments. ReplicaSets. Scaling and Updating.
– Labels and Selectors
– ReplicaSets
– Deployment
– Jobs
Hands-on Lab: Deployment. ReplicaSets
Module 7: Persisting Data. Volumes.
– Volumes
– Types of K8s volumes
– Persistent Volumes
– NFS Persistent Volume
Hands-on Lab: Persisting Data
Module 8: K8s Networking
– Docker Networking Model
– K8s Networking Model
– Services
– Kube-proxy
– K8s DNS
Hands-on Lab: Networking
Module 9: Introspection. Monitoring. Logs.
– Kubernetes metrics
– Metrics Terminology
– Monitoring with ES/Kibana
– Monitoring with Prometheus/Grafana
– Introspection
– Debugging pods
– Debugging K8s Clusters
Module 10: Daemon Sets. CronJobs. Secrets. ConfigMaps
– CronJobs – running tasks periodically
– ConfigMaps – deploying reusable applications
– Secrets – passing around sensitive information
– DaemonSets – pods on every node
Hands-on Lab: DaemonSets. CronJobs. ConfigMaps.
Module 11: Security. Role-Based Access Control
– Identity and Access Management
– Service Accounts
– User Management
– RBAC Terminology Explained
– Role Scoping
Hands-on Lab: Security. RBAC
Module 12: Ingresses. The Nginx Ingress Controller
– Ingress Controller
– Ingress Operation
– Deploying the ingress Controller
– Ingress Resource
– Path Manipulation
Hands-on Lab: Ingress
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