Recommender Systems course is designed as a comprehensive introduction into Recommender Systems. It needs a good understanding of Basic Machine Learning and a fair understanding of linear algebra.
Prerequisites for the Recommender Systems Course :
Module 1: Recommender Systems and where to find them
– Google
– Ads
– Netflix
Module 2: Basic Recommender Systems
– Cosine Distance
– SVD for recommendation system factorization Hands-on Lab:
– Implement Singular Value Decomposition
– Understand how it affects the Cosine Distance
Module 3: Candidate Generation
– Content Based Filtering
– Collaborative Filtering
– Matrix Factorization Hands-on Lab: Use the studied matrix factorization techniques to implement a basic recommendation system and benchmark the factorization methods
Module 4: Recommender using Deep Neural Networks
– Softmax Model
– Softmax Embedding
– Embeddings for Neural Networks
– Item2Vec Hands-on Lab: Build a recommendation system using neural networks embeddings for IMDB movies
Module 5: Ranking
– Retrieval
– Scoring
– Re-ranking Hands-on Lab:
– Learn how to improve your previous model by understanding how the movie ranking is made
– Implement your Collaborative Filtering and Hybrid Collaborative Filtering methods to make a better recommendation system
Module 6: Autoencoder for Recommender Systems
– Autoencoders
– Latent Spaces
– Variational Autoencoders Hands-on Lab: Build a recommendation system for retail stores using Autoencoders
Every student has assigned to him his own virtual lab environment setup.
Additional details:
To attend this course, you need to have:
• PC/Laptop with internet access
• Updated web browser
Recommender Systems
CATEGORY: Machine Learning Course
DURATION: 2 days
SKILL LEVEL: Associate
LECTURES: 6 lessons
PRICE: On-Demand
CATEGORY: Machine Learning Course
DURATION: 2 days
SKILL LEVEL: Associate
LECTURES: 6 lessons
Course description:
Recommender Systems course is designed as a comprehensive introduction into Recommender Systems. It needs a good understanding of Basic Machine Learning and a fair understanding of linear algebra.
Prerequisites for the Recommender Systems Course :
Module 1: Recommender Systems and where to find them
– Google
– Ads
– Netflix
Module 2: Basic Recommender Systems
– Cosine Distance
– SVD for recommendation system factorization Hands-on Lab:
– Implement Singular Value Decomposition
– Understand how it affects the Cosine Distance
Module 3: Candidate Generation
– Content Based Filtering
– Collaborative Filtering
– Matrix Factorization Hands-on Lab: Use the studied matrix factorization techniques to implement a basic recommendation system and benchmark the factorization methods
Module 4: Recommender using Deep Neural Networks
– Softmax Model
– Softmax Embedding
– Embeddings for Neural Networks
– Item2Vec Hands-on Lab: Build a recommendation system using neural networks embeddings for IMDB movies
Module 5: Ranking
– Retrieval
– Scoring
– Re-ranking Hands-on Lab:
– Learn how to improve your previous model by understanding how the movie ranking is made
– Implement your Collaborative Filtering and Hybrid Collaborative Filtering methods to make a better recommendation system
Module 6: Autoencoder for Recommender Systems
– Autoencoders
– Latent Spaces
– Variational Autoencoders Hands-on Lab: Build a recommendation system for retail stores using Autoencoders
Every student has assigned to him his own virtual lab environment setup.
Additional details:
To attend this course, you need to have:
• PC/Laptop with internet access
• Updated web browser